Showing posts with label wooden chess set. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wooden chess set. Show all posts

Permainan Serius

Diposting oleh karpetitem on May 27, 2009

BERMAIN wood chess atau catur dipercaya bisa meningkatkan daya pikir, menanamkan kesabaran, dan semangat pantang menyerah. Permainan wood chess set menggunakan bidak dan wood chess board kotak-kotak tersebut terbukti membuat anak lebih sportif dalam berkompetisi. Wooden chess dan wooden chessboard berbeda dengan sebagian besar jenis permainan yang dimainkan bersama-sama. Dengan dua orang pemain, membuat chess set dan chess board menjadi permainan wooden chess set yang cenderung lebih serius dibandingkan permainan lainnya.

Walaupun terkesan serius dengan masing-masing pihak menguasai 16 bidak, permainan
wooden chess board itu ternyata memiliki dampak yang sangat baik bagi perkembangan jiwa maupun mental anak. Permainan catur wood chessboard dianggap bisa membuat anak berpikir lebih cepat dan taktis. Bahkan, chessboard set mengajarkan anak untuk tidak menyerah ketika menghadapi masalah.
Seiring dengan semakin terbukanya pengetahuan dan kemudahan mendapatkan informasi, semakin sadar pula orangtua akan pentingnya mengenalkan permainan wood chess dan wood chess board pada anak sejak dini. Hal tersebut tentu saja beralasan karena permainan wood chess set dan wooden chessboard sendiri sudah terbukti membuat anak lebih sportif dalam berkompetisi.

"Catur atau
wooden chess dan wooden chess board adalah olahraga untuk semua umur. Namun, lebih baik jika permainan chess set dan chess board sudah diajarkan kepada anak sedini mungkin. Itu karena sisi positif bermain wooden chess set dan wood chessboard lebih mudah diserap anak-anak," kata Pengajar Olahraga di SD Rawamangun, Gunawan Pambudi.

Menurut Gunawan, anak anak yang telah memahami permainan catur dan
chessboard set, biasanya lebih mudah mengerti lingkungannya, bisa memahami kesulitan anak lain, bahkan anak-anak yang terbiasa bermain catur, tumbuh sebagai anak-anak yang sabar.
"Lewat bermain catur, anak-anak juga diajarkan bagaimana menghargai orang lain. Kalau mereka kalah, anak-anak diajarkan untuk menghargai kemenangan orang lain. Itu yang tidak banyak ditemukan di lingkungan sekarang," terangnya. (sindo//tty)

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Wood Chess Sets - a Touch of Class

Diposting oleh sabuk item on Apr 29, 2009

Early chess master Siegbert Tarrasch once said, “Chess, like love, like music, has the power to make men happy”. Why not add to your game-playing enjoyment by incorporating the natural beauty of a wood chess set.

Wood chess sets are classic in the chess board playing world because of their association with the Staunton style of design. But wood chess sets have also pushed and continue to push the boundaries of their visual stereotype due to avid and inventive wood chess artisans with advancing CNC technology, also known as robotic manufacturing methods.

Before you go out and purchase a wood chess set, understand that a wooden chess set’s style isn’t the only feature worth considering in your purchase. Natural wood materials lend an innate touch of class to wooden chess set and can really emphasize chess set design. So the inquiring buyer should be aware of what materials are available in the manufacture of wooden chess sets. This wide variety of timber contains species such as:

Mahogany – Particular strains of mahogany such as Khaya grandifoliola are popular choices in constructing wood chessboard sets. This particular wood chessboard set-friendly variety grows mostly on the West Coast of Africa. The color of mahogany’s heartwood can range from a pink to a dark cocoa brown.

Maple – Sugar Maple is a popular material used to manufacture wood chess board sets. Wooden chess sets using this species of maple have a faint red coloration that can also be interpreted as pink. Sugar Maple is readily accessible in North America as its found in New England, southeastern Manitoba, Nova Scotia, North Carolina and eastern Kansas.

Walnut – European Walnut, also known as Juglans regia, came to Western Europe via the Romans and Asia Minor. European walnut is a market rarity as it is not in high supply and can only be found in the processed form of veneer. Wooden chessboard sets made with European Walnut tend to have a grayish-brown hue with a darker irregular grain. European walnut is durable and polishes well. Walnut, great for staining and enduring UV exposure makes a logical choice for use in the manufacture of wooden chess board sets.

Sheesham (Indian Rosewood) – Otherwise known as Palisander. Dalbergia latifolia grows in such places as the Indian peninsula. Sheesham can also be found near the Himalayan Mountains in Orissa, Sikkim, Bihar and Oudah. Chessboard sets usually incorporate Indian Rosewood as a veneer as it isn’t shaped easily by hand. Sheesham comes in hues from rose to dark brown.

Erable – Also called European Field Maple, this timber calls Europe home. Erable carves easily and wooden chessboard sets made with erable have a soft golden coloring and strong inset grain that comes to life with a lacquered finish.

Aspen – Aspen is a popular material used in North American wood chess board sets. Aspen is colored from a light white to soft beige and adds a beautiful accent to wooden chess board sets.

Many of the aforementioned materials can be found in wood chessboard sets sold by online distributors. Many online retailers chess board have a wide selection to choose from. Find one that provides a trusted and reliable online service with numerous quality materials and design choices.

John Sokol is the creator of Quality Chess. Quality Chess is a provider of a large selection of unique and classical chess boards including ">wood chess sets of maple, rosewood, hazelnut, mahogany, walnut and ash.

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