Beautiful Silk Flowers

Diposting oleh FlowerAdvisor on Mar 5, 2009

Nothing is as refreshing as having a fresh bouquet of Silk flowers in your home to brighten up your mood. Not only do they add some class but they make you feel better. If you want to enjoy the benefits of having a variety of flowers in your home everyday but can't afford the costs or bear to cut that many of your beautiful flowers then you can always go with a range of plastic or Silk flowers. To add some scent you can apply some potpourri oil to the foam at the base of the vase and it will seem as though you are smelling fresh flowers.

To create your own personalized floral arrangement, all you need is a pair of pliers to bend the wire, a pair of wire cutters to cut the stems, tape, wire, floral tape, and foam. Next, select a wide container such as a basket, vase, or bowl. Go with a holder that matches the color of the room that you plan to place it in.

Select silk flowers that are proportionate to each other so that they will blend in nicely together. Silk flowers make the perfect decoration for any occasion. If you are looking to pick up the atmosphere in your home or you have an event that you would like to add extra flavor to, go with silk flowers.

The nice thing about silk flowers is that the beauty is everlasting. You don't have to worry about your poor plant not getting enough water and dying in the sun. Silk flowers will never die, and the color will also stay true. They are also very convenient to use, as they don't require as much attention as typical flowers do. You can leave them in a nice ceramic vase and they will be just fine for years to come.

About The Author
This article is written by Jane Smithston and edited by Sophia from Streetdirectory Malaysia.

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Selengkapnya Beautiful Silk Flowers

The Benefits of Silk Roses

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No one can argue the fact that any kind of rose is beautiful, any color, any shape. You can get them in red, pink, cream and yellow. But when it comes to silk roses, you may get them in just about any color you like. They can be used for anything from weddings to gifts.

If you have decided to use silk roses for your special wedding day, it would have been a good choice as they will not die and fall apart before the ceremony – they will still look beautiful years later! The nice thing about using silk flowers for a wedding is that you can also use them to celebrate your first anniversary. It will make the day even more unique if you used the same flowers as you did on your wedding day for your anniversary. If you bought a lot of silk roses for the wedding, you could also hand some out to the guests as they would appreciate that. What will also be nice for the wedding is having the flower girl throw silk petals or just drop them as she walks.

Silk roses are available in many different styles too. You can get them in a bouquet or just a single rose. You may also choose the color and if you ask nicely I am sure you could get a bouquet of silk roses mixing all your favorite colors! For weddings and occasions like that, you could have your silk flowers in pretty little baskets.

Women will also appreciate a bunch of these silk roses. There doesn't have to be an occasion for a man to buy his girlfriend or his wife a bunch of silk roses. He could just do it every now and then to remind her how much he loves her.

Overall, silk roses make the perfect compliment to many different occasions. The timelessness of silk roses gives it a unique edge in the world of flowers.

About The Author
This article is written by Jane Smithston and edited by Sophia from Streetdirectory Malaysia.

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Selengkapnya The Benefits of Silk Roses

Tips on Silk Flower Arrangements

Diposting oleh FlowerAdvisor on

I bought some beautiful fall silk flowers and I put them in a vase and I just can't get them to look right. Ideally, the tallest flowers should be two to three times as tall as the vase you're using. That will depend on the size of the vase. The larger the vase, the taller the flowers should stand. Otherwise, you're going to draw attention to the vase rather than the flowers.

Arranging silk flowers is much like arranging fresh ones. You should start with some short greenery around the top of the vase to hold taller flowers in place as you add them. That way you get an idea of where you think the taller flowers would look best in the vase. When you start from the bottom and work your way up, the idea of how you want the flowers and the vase to look will be there before you know it.

I'm not sure which look you're going for - loose and airy, or rich and dense. If you're going for loose and airy, it's best to use flowers in odds. I start around the base of the vase, using an odd amount of the same flower in even spaces. Then the next layer toward the middle will be a bit taller, and the same flowers will fall sort of in between the first layer.

Reduce the number of flowers you use in each layer until the arrangement is pleasingly rounded on top. Then fill in with accent flowers. With this type of fall arrangement, I always recommend to use some wheat, cat-o-nine tails, or some curly willow tips which are my personal favorite, to trail off from the top of the arrangement.

If you're looking for rich and dense, then I recommend grouping in similar colors and textures. When colors are grouped, it has a much larger visual impact than if they are peppered throughout the arrangement. So grouping is perfect for making a bold statement. I'd also use larger flowers for this, such as clusters of hydrangea, sunflowers, large mums, and roses. With this type of arrangement, you'll stay away from too many fillers. They'll just cause a messy appearance.

When I'm using large flowers like these, I make a basic circle around the bottom, beginning the color-grouping, then I put a tall flower in the middle. Then fill in between with groupings of flowers. Depending on your personal preference, you can make the groups very defined, or you can sort of fade from one color group to the next by mixing a couple of flowers with the neighboring color.

Whichever type of arrangement you choose, try to use various heights and depths. The general idea is that the center flowers should be the tallest, the outermost flowers should be the shortest. This is a good rule to make the basic frame of your arrangement by. However, if you follow this to the T, you're going to end up with a blah arrangement that isn't very interesting to the eye.

So once you have your foundation flowers in place, make sure to stick a few flowers a little deeper than the ones surrounding it, and a few just slightly raised from the rest. This will keep the viewer's eye moving and really draw them into the arrangement.

They will be able to see all the colors of the flowers that you put in the vase and be able to admire the way that you put them together. Just make sure that when you put the flowers into the vase that not all of the flowers that have the same color are next to each other. Use different kinds of colors next to one another. That way, you will be able to see certain colors bring out other colors.

With most people, when they do flower arrangements they sometimes use the same color next to each other and that makes the people that are looking at your arrangement think that the flowers are too big to be put in the vase. So try to avoid that kind of thing. You can use the same color next to each other as long as one of the colors are either darker and lighter than the other one so it won't throw off the look of your arrangement.

About The Author
This article is written by Victor Epand and edited by Sophia from Streetdirectory Malaysia. Victor Epand is an expert consultant.

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Selengkapnya Tips on Silk Flower Arrangements

Tips Mengadakan Acara Pernikahan Yang Unik

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Mencari ide yang unik untuk acara pernikahan anda? Langkah pertama untuk menciptakan pesta pernikahan yang unik anda dapat dimulai dengan membuat daftar apa yang anda serta pasangan anda suka dan tidak suka dalam acara pesta pernikahan anda. Entah itu acara pesta musik, style, warna, artis favorit atau hobi. Dari daftar ini anda dapat melangkah untuk memutuskan tema paket acara pernikahan apa yang paling tepat buat anda. Tema paket pesta pernikahan anda tidak perlu yang terlalu rumit, mungkin anda terinspirasi dengan warna soft pink dan dari situ anda bisa menyesuaikan semua kebutuhan paket pesta pernikahan anda dengan warna tersebut.

Berikut adalah beberapa ide unik yang dapat dicoba untuk pernikahan anda, anda bisa juga menyewa profesional yang handal dibidang ini seperti paket pernikahan Garnish :

1. Music athmosphere. Disudut setiap ruangan perdengarkan lagu yang berbeda sesuai dengan makanan yang disediakan.Biasanya pengantin akan menyediakan gubuk-gubuk makanan yang letaknya dipojok ruangan acara pernikahan selain makanan tengah. Anda bisa memperdengarkan lagu yang berbeda disetiap sudut ruangan acara pesta pernikahan sesuai dengan asal makanan tersebut, contohnya; Gubuk sate dan soto bisa memperdengarkan lagu gendang Jawa, Gubuk BBQ dan Kebab bisa memperdengarkan lagu yang bergaya western.

2. Tema Pakaian. Anda dapat menuliskan tema pakaian sebagai paket pernikahan yang anda ingin tamu anda kenakan saat menghadiri acara resepsi pernikahan anda. Contohnya; tema anda adalah tradisional dan anda mengharapkan semua tamu yang datang memakai baju tradisional. (anda bisa menggunakan ide paket pernikahan ini apabila tamu anda adalah teman-teman dan kerabat dekat anda)

3. Buku tamu berfoto. Anda bisa menyediakan kamera Polaroid disetiap meja penerima tamu dan beritahu setiap penerima tamu acara pesta pernikahan anda untuk mengambil foto setiap tamu anda dan tempelkan disebelah tandatangan dibuku tamu yang sudah mereka isi.

4. White never wrong. Warna putih untuk tema pesta pernikahan anda tidak pernah salah. Cobalah sesuatu yang berbeda untuk paket acara pernikahan anda gunakan warna putih untuk pernikahan anda tapi jangan padu padankan dengan warna yang lain jadi gunakan semua gradasi warna putih. Contohnya; gunakan warna putih dan gradasinya untuk dekorasi, kue, mobil, karpet, dan sentuhan terakhir semua pelayan-pelayan dan panitia yang terlibat dalam pernikahan anda kenakan jas putih.

5. Espresso Bar.Tambahkan dekorasi espresso bar dalam paket pesta pernikahan anda. Dalam bar ini tamu anda dapat menikmati bermacam-macam kopi seperti; coffee lattes dan cappuccinos.

6. DJ untuk meramaikan acara paket pesta anda. Menyewa seorang DJ untuk pernikahan anda merupakan ide yang menarik jadi campur suasana romantis anda dengan pertunjukan DJ dipertengahan acara tentunya akan menarik perhatian tamu-tamu anda.

7. Sediakan pertunjukan khusus untuk anak-anak. Biasanya anak-anak tidak tahan untuk berada dipesta pernikahan lebih dari setengah jam dan tak jarang orang tua jadi malas untuk membawa anak-anaknya. Sewa balon boy, badut, pesulap untuk menarik perhatian anak-anak sehingga mereka tidak mengganggu jalannya acara pernikahan anda.

8. foto pernikahan sebaiknya juga unik berbeda dengan foto wedding yang lainnya oleh karena itu di sarankan untuk menggunakan jasa fotografer pernikahan tentunya fotografer profesional dan berpengalaman seperti paket pernikahan Garnish.

Temukan informasi lainnya mengenai Paket Pernikahan - Acara Pernikahan - Paket Pesta Pernikahan - Paket Pesta - Pesta Pernikahan - Paket Acara Pernikahan - Acara Pesta Pernikahan - Acara Pesta - Paket Pernikahan Garnish hanya di Paket Pernikahan Garnish:Acara Pernikahan & Paket Pesta Pernikahan Bogor
Selengkapnya Tips Mengadakan Acara Pernikahan Yang Unik

Tips Memilih Pakaian Import Murah

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Setiap akan membeli di penjual baju import ataupun grosir baju import baju impor atau baju import pastikan rasakan kainnya, minim ke lengan, terutama untuk baju import murah :

Jika :

1. Dingin dan kering itu adalah effect dari
import baju bahan katun yang lebih banyak, dan disarankan untuk cuaca panas, dan perawatannya paling gampang bisa dijemur langsung di bawah matahari, disetrika suhu panas.

2. Dingin, kering dan lebih gampang kusut: adalah biasa
impor bajunya terbuat dari bahan serat tanaman: nanas, agave. Kebanyakan nama bahannya adalah linen, bahan ini masuk bahan agak mahal jangan disamakan dengan baju murah, jika membeli grosir baju di penjual baju perlu penganan khusus pada saat penyimpanan baju impor atau baju import tersebut terutama untuk baju import murah misalnya harus digantung sehingga tidak kusut sewaktu mau dipakai. Kita harus hati-hati juga merawat aksesoris yang dibeli di penjual baju import.

3. Dingin atau sangat dingin agak lengket : hati-hati, bahan ini lebih banyak polyester (serat sintetis) ketika kita pakai di tempat dingin maka akan terasa dingin, namun ketika di tempat panas akan panas juga dan tak menyerap keringat sebaik katun, biasanya kain ini banyak beredar karena penampilannya yang menggoda, misalnya mengkilap. perawatan tidak menuntut ekstra kecuali karena warna.

Jika membeli
grosir baju import dengan warna warna mencolok/cerah terutama warna merah, biru/hijau, orange sebaiknya pada saat pencucian 1, 2, 3 dipisahkan dari pakaian lain, karena warna-warna impor baju atau import baju terebut lebih beresiko luntur.

Jika sehabis membeli baju murah baik grosir baju di penjual baju tidak disarankan langsung dipakai, sebab dari proses pemintalan benang sampai proses akhir jahitan , proses pencucian sanagat jarang dan hampir bisa dikatakan tidak dilakukan, sehingga bahan kimia dan kotoran saat proses sangat besar beresiko terhadap tubuh dalam jangka waktu lama.

Jika ada petunjuk perawatan, biasanya di dalam baju dengan pita warna putih, sangat disarankan diikuti, kalau tidak ada maka sebaiknya anda mencermati saran ini. Kadangkala toko pakaian, atau toko aksesoris pakaian mempunyai kiat yang bermanfaat buat Anda mengenai pakaian tersebut.

Jangan merendam terlalu lama pakaian (pakaian import maupun pakaian grosir) dalam larutan detergen/pewangi hal ini akan memepengaruhi texture kain dan benang, sebaiknya tidak lebih dari 25 menit.

Jangan mencampurkan pemutih langsung dengan detergent, sebab penggabungan ke 2 bahan tersebut akan menghasilkan zat yang sangat berbahaya bagi paru-paru anda.

Jika membeli pakaian (pakaian remaja, pakaian dewasa, dan jenis pakaian lainnya) cobalah langsung tanpa rangkap baju Anda, sebab apa yang anda bayangkan saat itu akan berbeda saat dipakai sebenarnya.

Jika membelinya di toko pakaian atau di toko aksesoris ternama atau merek ternama ada baiknya tanyakan perawatannya dan jangan malu untuk mencoba, jika sampai staffnya tidak tahu, anda berhak tersenyum sinis, dan jangan lupa meminta struk pembayaran jika ada suatu masalah nantinya bisa diurus lebih lanjut.

Temukan informasi lain mengenai Baju Impor - Baju Import - Baju Import Murah - Baju Impor Murah - Jual Baju Import - Grosir Baju Import - Import Baju - Impor Baju - Baju Murah - Grosir Baju - Jual Baju hanya di Baju Impor & Import Murah: Baju Import - Jual & Grosir Baju Import Jakarta
Selengkapnya Tips Memilih Pakaian Import Murah

The Many Sides of Flowers

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Funerals and weddings have something in common – flowers! In both cases, flowers are used to celebrate life; the end of a life and the beginning of a couple's life together. Flowers send many different messages for all sorts of different occasions.

An arrangement of daisies can be sent to cheer someone up and let them know that you're thinking of them. A dozen long-stemmed red roses says, “I love you” quite clearly. Flowers can be sent with get-well wishes, happy birthday wishes, congratulations on your new job or graduation, apologies, and of course, to new mothers to celebrate the birth of their new little one.

But let's face it; people can get through an illness, a birthday, a graduation, and more without a single blossom. That's not the case with a wedding. Start talking about a wedding and images of flowers come to mind. A wedding simply wouldn't be a wedding without a bridal bouquet and the many other arrangements that are part of the big day. From reception centerpieces, to corsages, to flower girl baskets to the wedding bouquets themselves, flowers are an essential element in a wedding.

When it comes to ordering flowers for your wedding, where do you begin? You can go from florist to florist scheduling consultations, or you can shop online for silk wedding flower packages that will cover all of your needs. Just turn on your laptop in the comfort of your living room or at a coffee shop with WIFI connection and you'll be on your way to planning the floral wedding of your dreams!

Silk wedding flowers are not only beautiful, but they're also practical. With silk flowers there isn't any worrying about whether or not the wedding bouquets will hold up in the heat or freeze in the cold. There are more colors and hues available than with fresh flowers and the bouquets, corsages and boutonnieres are more durable than their fresh counterparts. If a silk bridal bouquet is dropped, it can easily be prepared if a bloom falls off or a stem gets bent. That's certainly not the case with fresh floral arrangements.

There isn't a better choice for the sentimental bride either. While you can preserve your fresh bridal bouquet, it's not going to look as good as your beautiful silk wedding bouquet ten or twenty years from now. You certainly can't pass your fresh bouquet on to your daughter for her wedding like you can your silk bridal bouquet.

Depending on the age of your flower girl, you may want to consider having a silk flower girl basket, no matter what. Children can be careless at times and you wouldn't want the flower arrangement that she's carrying to end up dropped and ruined.

If allergies are a problem with anyone in the wedding party, silk wedding flowers are the answer. There are many different silk wedding flower packages available online. Take the time to check them out before meeting with a local florist. You may be surprised at how much money you will save going with a silk wedding flower set.

About The Author
This article is written by Bonnie Goodwin and edited by Sophia from Streetdirectory Malaysia. Bonnie Goodwin Ray has more than sixteen years experience in the wedding industry. She is the author of Wedding Planning Made Easier and has become a leading expert in silk wedding bouquets design.

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Selengkapnya The Many Sides of Flowers

Advice For Wedding Flowers

Diposting oleh FlowerAdvisor on

In recent years, silk flowers have become popular because it is a cheaper alternative to fresh flowers. Inexpensive silk wedding flowers can save money for your wedding. Designer wedding flowers are out and less expensive silk wedding flower arrangements are in.

Inexpensive silk flowers are easy to find and can even be used for you wedding flower centerpieces. Silk flower wedding arrangements have become an art. No longer is it simply a bunch of silk flowers stuffed in a green Styrofoam container. These days, silk flower arrangements can be made as elegant and stunning as fresh flower arrangements.

Inexpensive silk wedding flowers can be a great way to save money on flowers. One of the best things about using discount silk wedding flowers is that when the wedding is over, your guests can take home the centerpieces and have a stunning reminder of your wedding that will last forever.

A common wedding theme these days is NASCAR. Finding things to match the black and white theme you will use for your NASCAR wedding can be tough but finding black and white fresh flowers is impossible. This is where silk flowers can come in handy. If you're in need of black and white wedding flowers just visit your local silk flower shop. Silk flowers can be dyed any color you want. This ensures that no matter what the colors of your wedding you can get the perfect match.

With fresh flowers there is also a problem of certain flowers only being available during certain seasons. Try using a fresh daisy wedding bouquet or a fresh tulip wedding bouquet during the middle of winter. Not going to happen unless you're willing to pay a fortune. With silk flowers you don't have to worry about whether the particular flower you want is in season or not. You can find calla lilies and stars of Bethlehem any time of the year in a silk flower store.

Buying flowers that are native to your area can also save you money but what if the flowers you want for your wedding are native to Australia and you live in Ireland . Not to worry, silk flowers aren't native to anywhere. Silk flowers stores carry a large variety of silk flowers to fit their customers needs, and if they don't have it they can usually order it. Ever tried ordering a specific type and color of flowers from a florist, most won't guarantee the color because they never know exactly what colors will be available.

Finally, Silk flowers is less expensive and last longer than real flowers. Besides, it helps you save your money to plan for your wedding. Happy wedding!

About The Author

This article is written by Adelina Saelac and edited by Sophia from Streetdirectory Malaysia.

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Selengkapnya Advice For Wedding Flowers