Showing posts with label theodolite leica. Show all posts
Showing posts with label theodolite leica. Show all posts

Pengenalan Theodolite Kepada Anak

Diposting oleh Unknown on Sep 29, 2009

  • Pengertian
theodolite adalah instrument / alat yang dirancang untuk pengukuran sudut yaitu sudut mendatar yang dinamakan dengan sudut horizontal dan sudut tegak yang dinamakan dengan sudut vertical. Dimana sudut – sudut tersebut berperan dalam penentuan jarak mendatar dan jarak tegak diantara dua buah titik lapangan.
1.bagian bawah, terdiri dari pelat dasar dengan tiga sekrup penyetel yang menyanggah suatu tabung sumbu dan pelat mendatar berbentuk lingkaran. Pada tepi lingkaran ini dibuat pengunci limbus.
2.bagian tengah, terdiri dari suatu sumbu yang dimasukkan ke dalam tabung dan diletakkan pada bagian bawah. Sumbu ini adalah sumbu tegak lurus kesatu. Diatas sumbu kesatu diletakkan lagi suatu plat yang berbentuk lingkaran yang berbentuk lingkaran yang mempunyai jari – jari plat pada bagian bawah. Pada dua tempat di tepi lingkaran dibuat alat pembaca nonius. Di atas plat nonius ini ditempatkan 2 kaki yang menjadi penyanggah sumbu mendatar atau sumbu kedua dan sutu nivo tabung diletakkan untuk membuat sumbu kesatu tegak lurus, cek info lainnya di jual lingerie. Lingkaran dibuat dari kaca dengan garis – garis pembagian skala dan angka digoreskan di permukaannya. Garis – garis tersebut sangat tipis dan lebih jelas tajam bila dibandingkan hasil goresan pada logam. Lingkaran dibagi dalam derajat sexagesimal yaitu suatu lingkaran penuh dibagi dalam 360° atau dalam grades senticimal yaitu satu lingkaran penuh dibagi dalam 400 g.
3.bagian atas, terdiri dari sumbu kedua yang diletakkan diatas kaki penyanggah sumbu kedua. Pada sumbu kedua diletakkan suatu teropong yang mempunyai diafragma dan dengan demikian mempunyai garis bidik. Pada sumbu ini pula diletakkan plat yang berbentuk lingkaran tegak sama seperti plat lingkaran mendatar.
  • Syarat – syarat theodolite
Syarat – syarat utama yang harus dipenuhi alat theodolite (pada galon air) sehingga siap dipergunakan untuk pengukuran yang benar adalah sbb :
1.sumbu kesatu benar – benar tegak / vertical.
2.sumbu kedua haarus benar – benar mendatar.
3.garis bidik harus tegak lurus sumbu kedua / mendatar.
4.tidak adanya salah indeks pada lingkaran kesatu.

Selengkapnya Pengenalan Theodolite Kepada Anak

Introduce about Laser Theodolite

Diposting oleh malamjumat on Aug 5, 2009

Theodolite is a measuring instrument capable of measuring azimuth and elevation angles to very high accuracy. When computing power and high precision laser distance measuring capability is added, the laser theodolite that results can measure or locate three dimensional "point-in-space" positions within a sphere of 5 millimeter radius.

I had previously surveyed this site with the instrument, including all the buried pipe and conduit runs as I installed them. The lower line of posts for the solar structure are dangerously close to the septic leach field, so it was important to place them accurately to avoid augering into a septic line.

Moreover I believed that precision placement would be critical to the success of erecting the support structure. It's hard enough to thread a lot of heavy precut pipes together in mid-air, but sloppy tolerances would make this 100-foot long monster the mother of all plumber's nightmares.

Using the laser theodolite is a 2-person procedure - one at the instrument and one at the cooperative retro-reflector target. When the laser theodolite level locates a stakeout point it displays the distance to that spot and projects a pair of parallel visible laser beams right to the spot. One beam blinks and the other is solid. The target person can pace the indicated distance, then look back and move from side to side to reach the point where the beam transitions from blink to solid. The target is thus placed and another measurement reveals the error for another try. This iterative procedure quickly converges on the precise location.

Elaine (my wife) is not a technocrat and therefore has limited patience as the target person. So I constructed a replacement for her. It is a simple XY table, made of waxed MDF, with leveling feet and a mount for the retro-reflector target.

The XY table is placed at an approximate location facing the laser theodolite, which measures its location and indicates the error in XY movement. If the error is large, the table must be relocated by the approximate amounts. If the error is small, the table is moved in its ways by the indicated amounts. Another measurement is taken and the procedure repeats. When the measured error is acceptable (usually after three measurements) the retro-reflector is lifted from the table and a marker spike is dropped through the hole into the ground.

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Selengkapnya Introduce about Laser Theodolite

Type Of Theodolite Laser

Diposting oleh Unknown on Jun 30, 2009

A theodolite is an instrument for Laser Auto Level & Laser Liner measuring both horizontal and vertical angles, as used in triangulation networks. It is a key tool in surveying and engineering work, particularly on inaccessible ground, but theodolites have been adapted for other specialized purposes in fields like meteorology and rocket launch technology. A modern Laser Auto Level & Laser Liner theodolite consists of a movable telescope mounted within two perpendicular axes—the horizontal or trunnion axis, and the vertical axis. When the telescope is pointed at a desired object, the angle of each of these axes can be measured with great precision, typically on the scale of arcseconds.

"Transit" refers to a specialized type of Laser Theodolite & Theodolite Level that was developed in the early 19th century. It featured a telescope that could "flop over" ("transit the scope") to allow easy back-sighting and doubling of angles for error reduction. Some transit instruments of Laser Theodolite & Theodolite Level were capable of reading angles directly to thirty arcseconds. In the middle of the 20th century, "transit" came to refer to a simple form of theodolite with less precision, lacking features such as scale magnification and mechanical meters. The importance of Theodolite Laser & Level Laser transits is waning since compact, accurate electronic theodolites have become widespread tools, but the transit still finds use as a lightweight tool on construction sites. Some transits do not measure vertical angles.

The builder's Theodolite Laser & Level Laser is often mistaken for a transit but is actually a type of inclinometer. It measures neither horizontal nor vertical angles. It simply combines a spirit level and telescope to allow the user to visually establish a line of sight along a level plane.

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Selengkapnya Type Of Theodolite Laser