Showing posts with label fashion clothing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fashion clothing. Show all posts

Pakaian Pria Kurus

Diposting oleh karpetitem on May 22, 2009

Mungkin banyak sebagian dari cowok bertubuh kurus yang tidak pede dengan bentuk tubuhnya. Apa lagi dengan urusan desain kostum, banyak dari mereka takut terlihat kurus jika salah memakai pakaian.

Sebenarnya tidaklah sulit untuk memilih fashion yang cocok untuk cowok berbadan kurus dan tinggi dari rumah fashion. Karena model untuk pakaian cowok tidak pernah berubah pada dasarnya, berbeda dengan pakaian cewek dari fashions house yang mempunyai berbagai model pakaian, contohnya seperti desain kebaya dan desain gaun. Berikut cara memilih pakaian yang cocok:

1. Jangan menggunakan pakaian terlalu ngepres di badan ataupun kebesaran. Karena akan memperjelas bentuk tubuh anda yang kurus. Usahakan semua pakaian yang anda beli dari fashions house ukurannya pas, dan jangan sekali-kali menggunakan desain kostum model ketat. Agar tubuh bagian atas sedikit kelihatan berisi, cobalah pakai jas atau jaket yang ada bantalan bahu berbentuk menyatu dengan tubuh anda.

2. Jika anda menggunakan jaket dari rumah fashion, pastikan jaket yang anda kenakan panjangnya sampai kebawah pantat, jika anda memakai di atas pantat bisa menambah kesan kurus.

3. Untuk celana panjang, kamu bisa menggunakan celana klasik dan sederhana. Jangan takut untuk menggunakan celana yang bermotif, justru anda akan terlihat berisi. Jangan pernah menggunkan celana stretch atau yang sedang tenar di kalangan anak-anak muda jaman sekarang model ‘pensil’.

4. Pastikan panjang celana yang anda gunakan melebihi mata kaki, karena jika anda menggunakan celana yang panjangnya kurang dari pergelangan kaki, maka kaki anda akan terlihat kecil.

5. Untuk menutupi bentuk siku anda yang runcing, anda bisa menutupinya dengan menggunakan kemeja atau t-shirt lengan panjang. Berbeda dengan desain kebaya atau desain gaun para wanita. Dengan begitu lengan serta siku anda akan terlihat lebih berisi, gunakanlah untuk keseharian anda. jne

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, silahkan lihat di Fashions House - Rumah Fashion - Desain Kebaya - Desain Gaun - Desain Kostum dan
Desain Kebaya Fashions House: Rumah Fashion - Desain Gaun & Kostum Jakarta Barat di
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Becoming a Fashion Designer

Diposting oleh mabok euyyy on Mar 20, 2009

Getting Paid to Dress People and Make Them Feel Good
Envision getting paid to dress people and make them feel good. You work with the most talented and creative people in the industry. Your name is franchised internationally; you can find it on billboards all over subway stations.

You hang out with the world’s most stylish people; some are celebrities, some are ordinary people with discriminating tastes. More importantly, you earn a six, or even, seven-figure income annually.

While there are only 18 haute couturiers worldwide acknowledged by the Syndical Chamber of Haute Couture in Paris and only a few Fashions Designer have the privilege to operate showrooms or boutiques on Manhanttan’s Seventh Avenue, you can be successful as a Fashions Designer regardless of where you live and whether or not you graduated from fashion school

What if you have never worn “Desain Fashion” clothing before? Of course, you are stylish but you cannot afford to wear an evening Desain Fashion by Yves St. Laurent nor a pair of jeans by Donna Karan.

You may even ask, “Can a person whose apparel collection comes from neighborhood department stores, who doesn't live in New York City and didn't go to fashion school become a fashion designer?” The answer is a definite yes.

Despite the misconception that Fashion Designer clothes are very highly priced, every piece of apparel is, in fact, designed by a designer. More than 95% of fashion designers work outside the small circle of haute couturiers and international fashion houses.

A Fashion Designer is a creative and technical professional who Design Fashion clothing within a specific theme for a specific purpose and a specific market.

Here are some examples of what a Fashion Designed creates, which range from everyday clothes to precious metal jewelry in various prices, shapes and sizes:

Evening dresses
Career suits
Baby outfits
Maternity clothes
Jogging clothes
Bandanas and scarves
Glass bead jewelry
Beach wears

There are several career paths in this field that you can choose based Design Fashion on your strengths and interests. You’re not restricted to become an haute couturier or to work with one.

Some of the career paths to choose from:

Creative Designer
Technical Designer
Pattern Maker
Textile Designer

Types of employers you can work with include:

Textile Manufacturer
Apparel Manufacturer
Fashion Studio Owner
Haute Couturier
Men’s Tailor
Trend Consultant

Editor-in-Chief Jennie S. Bev talked to many Fashion Designed professionals, including successful designers, professors and trend consultants to provide you with the best and the most comprehensive self-study guidebook filled with insider information, tips and advice for breaking into and succeeding as a fashion designer.

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