Showing posts with label cargo airlines. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cargo airlines. Show all posts

Cargo Service Tips

Diposting oleh Unknown on Aug 5, 2009

The definition of air cargo logistic services is simple. It is simply the extra advantages that a cargo transportation service will offer to their customers. Many air cargo logistic services companies have a large list of services that they offer, depending on the type of airline. If a company is responsible for transporting passengers, then their service list will look different than that of a company involved in transporting goods.

Each air
cargo company decides what services to offer to its customers. Some logistic company offer more services than others. Services offered to passenger airlines can include: baggage handling, ticket verification, skycap, unaccompanied minor escorts, wheelchair services, and many more. Services offered as part of freight shipping services can include things such as, road feeder services between different airports and airport to inland container depots, air cargo clearance centers, centers for perishable domestic cargo, and warehousing for bonded and non bonded air domestic cargo.

Another important service for air
cargo company is document control. If documents for the air cargo are not always one hundred percent in line, then things are much more likely to go wrong. A good air cargo company will ensure that all the documents for their logistic company are in order.

With the increased safety requirements imposed on the air
cargo logistic industry and the world in general since 2001, it has been harder and more expensive to ship goods by air. Containers can only be a certain size, weight limits are different, only so many toxic materials can be sent on a plane at once; it is astonishing how many new restrictions the industry has received since then. With these newer restrictions on cargo airlines, it is more important than ever to choose a cargo company that offers reliable air cargo service options to the client, for whom they are hauling cargo logistic

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Kargo Kelas Eksekutif

Diposting oleh karpetitem on Jul 9, 2009

Garuda Indonesia menargetkan market sharenya di bisnis cargo shipment dalam negeri bisa naik dari 47% pada 2008 menjadi 52% di 2009. Upaya mendongkrak market share international cargo shipment ini dilakukan dengan meluncurkan layanan kargo international shipment kelas eksekutif. Demikian disampaikan President & CEO Garuda lndonesia, Emirsyah Satar di Ritz Carlton Hotel, Paciflc Place, Jakarta, Rabu (18/2/2009).

Layanan baru Garuda Indonesia ini bernama GO Product yang fokus untuk kepentingan bisnis international cargo. Segmen yang menjadi fokus adalah korporasi, lembaga, institusi pemerintah, event organizer, selain market perorangan sebagai konsumennya.
"Peluncuran GO Product pada pagi hari ini merupakan salah satu upaya konkrit Garuda dalam memberikan peningkatan pelayanan kepada para pengguna jasa air cargo shipment dan sekaligus upaya meningkatkan pendapatan perusahaan air shipment," katanya.

Direktur Komersial Garuda Agus Priyanto menambahkan, GO Product bisa menyumbang US$ 13 juta kepada pendapatan Garuda tahun 2009. Kontribusi tersebut meningkat 15% dari kontribusi pengiriman air cargo Garuda tahun lalu.
"Kontribusi terhadap pendapatan cargo shipment ada tambahan, sekitar US$ 13 juta untuk 2009. Pertumbuhannya 15 persen dari kontribusi tahun lalu," katanya.

Ia mengatakan, pelayanan GO Product Garuda saat ini hanya akan dilakukan di Bandara Cengkareng dengan tujuan seluruh kota di Indonesia. Ke depan, perseroan sedang menjajaki beberapa mitra di luar negeri untuk bisa melakukan pengiriman cargo shipment internasional.
"Saat ini pengiriman dari Cengkareng untuk domestik dulu. Kita juga sedang jajaki partner untuk international cargo shipment," imbuhnya.

Kapasitas pengiriman international shipment sendiri tidak berubah, hanya saja kali ini international cargo dikemas dengan lebih baik lagi dan dipilah-pilah berdasarkan jenis barang air cargo shipment.
"Awalnya kan belum package secara baik. Antara satu komoditi dengan lainnya belum dibedakan, dengan Go Product jadi lebih jelas diferensiasinya," katanya.

GO Product yang peluncurannya juga dihadiri oleh Menteri Perhubungan Jusman Syafei Djamal ini menawarkan layanan pengiriman air shipment secara eksklusif kepada pelanggan air cargo Garuda lndonesia disertai jaminan kecepatan dan kepastian keberangkatan. Jusman menyampaikan, Garuda lndonesia memang seharusnya memberikan nilai tambah bagi para pengguna jasanya dalam hal ini dibidang angkutan cargo shipment yang akhimya akan berdampak pada peningkatan pendapatan perusahaan. "Sebagai penerbangan full service hendaknya Garuda lndonesia secara terus menerus menjadi pionir dalam peningkatan pelayanan kepada para pengguna jasa," tambah Jusman.

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Trik When Choosing Air Cargo Service

Diposting oleh Unknown on Jun 8, 2009

The definition of air
Logistic Service & Cargo Logistic is simple. It is simply the extra advantages that a Logistic Service & Cargo Logistic transportation service will offer to their customers. If a company is responsible for transporting passengers, then their service list will look different than that of a company involved in transporting goods.
Each company decides what services to offer to its customers. Some companies offer more services than others. Services offered to passenger airlines can include: baggage handling, ticket verification, skycap, unaccompanied minor escorts, wheelchair services, and many more. Services offered as part of freight shipping services can include things such as, road feeder services between different airports and airport to inland container depots, air cargo clearance centers, centers for perishable cargo, and warehousing for bonded and non bonded air cargo.
Another important
Logistic Cargo & Freight Logistic services for these companies is document control. A good air Logistic Cargo & Freight Logistic cargo company will ensure that all the documents for their cargo are in order.
A very important
Freight Service & Logistic Company service that a cargo airline should offer is the service of air Freight Service & Logistic Company tracking. Knowing what fees are charged for what goods is also important before picking a shipping airline. It is important when choosing a cargo airline to ensure that they give appropriate air cargo service. Also, always be aware of the airport Freight Logistic Service & Cargo Logistic Service security laws, what is legal to ship by air, and what type of containers are necessary to ship certain goods by air.

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