Tips Memilih Tukang Jahit

Diposting oleh mabok euyyy on Mar 5, 2009

Tips Memilih Tukang Jahit

Simak dulu tips berikut?

1. Anda bisa meminta rekomendasi dari kerabat atau sahabat dekat Anda. Biasanya tukang jahit (dalam membuat Pakaian Seragam, Baju Seragam) yang jempolan punya pelanggan cukup banyak.

2. Berbincang dengan penjahit tentang kemampuan dan pengalaman mereka tak ada salahnya dalam Jahitan Baju, Jahitan Pakaian. Apakah mereka pernah mengerjakan pesanan khusus seperti gaun pengantin atau kebaya? Pakaian wanita atau pria?

3. Periksa ketepatan waktu sang penjahit dalam menJahit Baju, Jahit Pakaian. Jika memungkinkan berikan dateline yang tak terlalu mepet dengan kebutuhan Anda. Anda harus memperhitungkan waktu molor yang tidak diharapkan.

4. Perhitungkan juga masalah biaya Jahitan Baju, Jahitan Pakaian. Seorang penjahit biasanya akan memberitahukan kepada Anda kebutuhan biaya apa saja yang diperlukan untuk membuat baju tersebut. Hal-hal ini perlu diuraikan sebelum mereka memberikan harga pasti.

5. Untuk desain pakaian, mintalah beberapa contoh karya yang pernah dibuat si penjahit Jahit Baju, Jahit Pakaian. Bila perlu dapatkan juga nama-nama beberapa pelanggannya. Untuk lebih memastikan hasil kerja si penjahit Anda bisa mencari tahu dari pelanggan lain apakah mereka puas dengan hasil kerja si penjahit dan apakah selesai tepat waktu.

6. Bawalah bahan/kain atau gambar model baju yang Anda inginkan sebagai ilustrasi dalam membuat Pakaian Seragam, Baju Seragam. Jika penjahit enggan mencoba sesuatu yang baru, tanyakan alasannya. Mungkin pandangannya bisa meerubah pendapat Anda.

7. Coba dengarkan pendapat penjahit tentang merombak pakaian(cth memBuat Baju, Buat Pakaian) yang telah ada. Cocokkan juga dengan harga. Tak masalah bukan membayar sedikit mahal jika hasilnya sangat memuaskan.

8. Sekali cocok, jangan lupa deskripsikan pekerjaan(cth Buat Baju, Buat Pakaian) penjahit dalam sebuah kertas cantumkan juga tanggal jadi dan harga agar semua teratur dengan sesuai.

Satu lagi jika diperlukan Anda boleh minta jadwal untuk melakukan fitting. Mungkin dengan demikian kesalahan yang terjadi bisa diminimalis

Temukan informasi mengenai Konveksi Baju, Konveksi Pakaian, Jahitan Baju, Jahitan Pakaian, Jahit Baju, Jahit Pakaian, Buat Baju, Buat Pakaian, Pakaian Seragam, Baju Seragam dan Jahit & Konveksi Baju:Buat & Jahitan Baju - Pakaian & Baju Seragam Jakarta pada
Selengkapnya Tips Memilih Tukang Jahit

Tips Membeli Ups

Diposting oleh mabok euyyy on

Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) sering kali dikenal dengan istilah Uninterruptible Power Source, Uninterruptible Power System, Continuous Power Supply (CPS) atau battery backup merupakan sebuah alat yang mampu menyimpan arus listrik yang kemudian akan dialirkan untuk menjaga suatu alat yang membutuhkan listrik agar tetap dapat digunakan pada saat arus listrik putus/mati. Tetapi alat ini hanya bertahan sementara saja dan tidak dapat menggantikan fungsi generator (genset sebagai Voltage Stabilizers atau Voltage Stabilizer) karena kapasitasnya yang sangat terbatas.

Berikut beberapa tips sederhana dalam memilih UPS bagi para pengguna komputer:

· Cek berapa lama daya tahan UPS(Install UPS & Baterai UPS) apabila listrik padam. Semakin besar Ah Baterry, maka semakin lama daya tahannya.

· Garansi UPS yang anda beli cukup lama dan terpercaya coba deh klik Install UPS, Baterai UPS untuk anda membantu anda dalam membeli ups.

· Pastikan UPS anda dilengkapi dengan AVR (Stabiliser) yang berkwalitas sehingga apabila tegangan listrik di tempat anda voltasenya turun / naik tidak terjadi masalah / kerusakan di Komputer anda(pakailah juga Automatic Stabilizer & Automatic Stabilizers untuk komputer anda).

· Daya UPS (Voltage Stabilizers atau Voltage Stabilizer) cukup besar untuk menanggung beban computer anda dan daya tahan nya cukup lama untuk anda menyelesaikan perkerjaan yang anda sedang lakukan.

· Transfer time UPS harus kecil, sehingga tidak terjadi komputer restart pada saat listrik padam

· UPS sebaiknya memiliki Anti Petir (fuse) untuk melindungi Komputer anda atau gunakan Automatic Stabilizer atau Automatic Stabilizers untuk melindungi komputer anda.
Temukan informasi mengenai Install UPS, Baterai UPS, Voltage Stabilizers, Voltage Stabilizer, Automatic Stabilizer, Automatic Stabilizers dan UPS Install & Baterai : Voltage Stabilizer & Automatic Stabilizers Jakarta pada
Selengkapnya Tips Membeli Ups

Tips Sewa & Rental Mobil

Diposting oleh mabok euyyy on

Bagi anda yang belum pernah menyewa mobil di Semarang, jangan takut untuk mencoba menyewa mobil di kota Lumpia ini. Di Semarang sendiri banyak sekali perusahaan sewa mobil(Automobile Rental, Auto Rental, Auto Car) yang menawarkan jasa sewa mobil tapi pada dasarnya harga yang di tawarkan relatif sama paling perbedaan antara 15.000 s/d 50.000. tergantung dari biaya operasional yang dibutuhkan perusahaan Rental Mobil setiap bulan yang berbeda dan pelayanan pengalaman.Berikut ini kami berikan tips dalam memilih sewa mobil(klik Automobile Rental, Auto Rental, Auto Car) agara pilihan anda bisa tepat.

  • Carilah perusahaan Rental Mobil(Auto Rent Car, Auto Car Rent) via internet atau informasi penerangan resmi. Jika perusahan memiliki web site baca dengan jelas alamat dan kontak perusahaan tersebut dan lihat dari web sitenya
  • Pastikan perusahan sewa mobil itu memiliki alamat, kantor dan layanan telp yang jelas
  • Ciri perusahan yang kredibel bisa terlihat dari cara menerima telp, melayani telp dan menerima komplain
  • Jangan terpengaruh dengan harga murah, sistem di Rental Mobil(Auto Rent Car, Auto Car Rent) tetap ada harga ada rupa. Harga agak mahal perawatan kendaraan baik, Harga murah perawatan nol (Suku Cadang Tidak Asli, Mesin Berat, Ban Gundul dll)
  • Tanyakan dengan jelas ke perusahan Rental Mobil(cth Auto Rent, Auto Rentals, Car Rentals) tersebut tentang kira kira berapa yang akan anda keluarkan untuk keperluan sewa mobil, Pastikan tidak ada Hidden Cost yang akan muncul nanti
  • Baca dengan Jelas Surat Perjanjian ( Lepas Kunci ) atau Surat JAlan ( Dengan Sopir) Tanyakan ke Rental Mobil jika ada yang belum jelas atau diluar dari hal yang telah di sepakati bersama

Demikian beberapa tips sewa mobil(cth Auto Rent, Auto Rentals, Car Rentals) yang perlu anda perhatikan demi kenyamaan dan keamanan anda dalam memilih Sewa Mobil yang tepat dan bisa di percaya.

Temukan informasi mengenai Auto Rent Car, Auto Car Rent, Auto Rent, Auto Rentals, Car Rentals, Automobile Rental, Auto Rental, Auto Car, Rentals Car, Auto Rent Car Jakarta Selatan dan Auto Rent Car & Car Rent : Auto & Car Rentals - Automobile Rental Jakarta Selatan pada

Selengkapnya Tips Sewa & Rental Mobil

How to Increase the Live Span of Your Flowers

Diposting oleh FlowerAdvisor on

Many people buy their fresh cut flowers at florists, but there are others that cut them from their own garden. Flowers come in many shapes and colors, this way you have many choices to choose from to make the arrangement you want. Once the flower is cut, the life expectancy is not very long but you can use tricks like aspirin in the water to keep them living as long as possible.

  • A cut flower is one that has been cut at the stem and placed in a vase of water. Cut flowers are grown from both annual and perennial plants. Do not place your fresh cut flowers in front of heaters as well as electrical devices such as TVs or computers. Cut flower will stay fresher and look vibrant if you keep them out of drafts and direct sunlight.

  • Dropping a penny in a vase will decrease the lifespan of flowers. Cut flowers in a vase are the perfect decoration for your home; they bring a waft of fresh air in the room and make people happier. Bacteria are the main cause of deterioration of flowers. Make sure that your water and vase are clean before use. Adding the proper plant food to your arrangement will keep your bouquet healthy. If you add warm water to your bouquet the flowers will open faster.

  • An air bubble in the stem would prevent the flower from getting water and nutrients. Also make sure that only the flowers stem is under water. Always replace your water after 2-3 days. When you place the flowers in water and the leaves are submerged in the water, bacteria might form on the leaves that are under the water so cut them off. You want to cut them at an angle to give them more surface area to absorb nutrients through. Cutting them under water is important because it prevents air from getting into the veins in the stem of your flower.

Certain flowers need special care. Flowers last longer when you trim the stem on an angle; this allows the water to flow up thru the stem. Flowers that have woody stems will last longer if you crush the stem and split it for all the water to flow easily thru the stem. If you are making an arrangement and you do not want the stems to show, place them in a criss cross pattern so the end of the stems are in the middle. A few extra stems will allow you to add special touches.

The colors of tulips typically follow the color trends that are generally popular. Decide what kinds of flower go with the kind of party you're going to throw. Roses are one of the romantic flowers, tulips are known as elegant flowers, sunflowers and daisies are known as free and whimsical while carnations are especially known as being the casual flower. One of the more popular flowers are tulips, they are easy to grow and they don't need much care, and when you cut them and put them in water they look great, this is what makes them so popular.

About The Author
This article is written by Doug Mahopac and edited by Sophia from Streetdirectory Malaysia.

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Selengkapnya How to Increase the Live Span of Your Flowers

How To Make Cut Flowers Last Longer

Diposting oleh FlowerAdvisor on

If you want to make your investment in the flowers you purchase at your local florist or any other location last then there are some things that you must do to ensure that they last.

A main cause of deterioration in flower vases is bacteria. Make sure your vase is clean and your water is pure, plus replace your water after 2-3 days. If any of the leaves lower down the stem are submerged under water, cut them off to prevent the spread of bacteria. Also, using floral food provided by your florist should kill harmful bugs and dirt.

The first thing that you want to do is cut off excessive leaves and greenery which will just suck up the water and nutrients that you want to go to your flowers. Next, cut the bottom of the stems on an angle to open the flowers up to receive the water and nutrients. As you place them in the vase you will want to criss-cross the stems to allow the flowers to be arranged more easily and present a fuller look.

For a taller floral arrangement you will want to use a slimmer and taller vase to make your flowers look better proportioned and last longer. Tulips and Gladiolas are a couple of types of flowers that work well in this type of situation. A tall arrangement really stands out and makes an impression.

Another trick that helps to make your floral arrangement look more natural is to cut the stems of the flowers at different heights. Doing this will allow your arrangement to mimic the look of a natural garden. Also use odd numbers of flowers, such as using 3 roses together or 5. Even numbers just don't work as effectively. If you use 5 roses for example, Place 3 together cut at different lengths near the bottom center of the vase and then two higher up.

Never place your flowers in bright or overheated areas in your home. This breeds bacteria and causes an excess water loss. Use a vase that is in proportion to the size and amount of flowers that you have ordered. This could create even more water loss that you are not aware of.

You can't go wrong with flowers as a gift but by following the tips above, the flowers will last longer. Be sure to teach the person you are giving the flowers to the tips so that your gift will be appreciated and enjoyed much longer.

About The Author
This article is written by Gregg Hall and edited by Sophia from Streetdirectory Malaysia. Gregg Hall is a business consultant and author for many online and offline businesses and lives in Navarre Florida.

Popular Search Tags: Flower Flowers Gift Basket Gifts Plants Presents Floral Baskets Bouquet
Lifestyle Popular Tags: Writing Arts Gambling Movies Automotive Wine Watches Golf Music Parenting
Selengkapnya How To Make Cut Flowers Last Longer

Flowers: Rose & Roses, Flower Tips, Flower Care

Diposting oleh FlowerAdvisor on

Most individuals could not defy a rose's beauty and aroma. These flowers are considered a bit hard to grow, but anybody can begin rose gardening in the convenience of their own backyard.

To be sure that your most treasured roses are in the pink or even red of their health, just follow these tips on coping with every rose health perplexity:

1. Black Spots on Foliage
This disease is usually known as black spot. Black spots occur as circular with fringed edges on leaves. They make the leaves yellow. The answer is to get rid of the infected foliage and collect any fallen leaves around the rose. Artificial sprays may be used to stop or treat this type of rose disease.

2. Stunted or distorted young canes

Called powdery mildew, this is a fungal disease that blankets leaves, stems and buds with wind swept white powder. It causes the leaves to roll and become purple. Spray with an organic antifungal to treat this fungal disease that could destroy your rose garden.

3. Injured underside of leaves
A disease of roses called rust is characterized with orange-red blisters that turn black in the fall. In spring, it blisters new sprouts. This disease can even live through winter. What you can do is to pick up and toss away leaves that are infected in the fall. Organic anti-fungal spraying every 5 to 7 days may help.

4. Malformed or stunted leaves and flowers

What probably caused this is the occurrence of spider mites. They are small yellow, red or green spiders on the underside of the foliage. They suck juices from leaves. The application of a strong stream of water may help in treating this infestation.

5. Weak and blotched leaves with tiny white webs under them
This might be the work of aphids. They are tiny soft-bodied insects that are normally brown, green or red. Sometimes clumped under leaves and flower buds, they suck plant juices from the delicate buds. A strong stream of water from a garden hose may help roses to endure these bugs.

6. Flowers that don't open or are distorted when they open.
Thrips could be the cause behind this distortion and unopened flowers. It is defined with slender, brown-yellow bugs with bordered wings flourishing in flower buds. These bugs also suck juices from flower buds. You should cut and get rid of the infested flowers. Using neem oil spray may also treat this problem of your roses.

This important information concerning the diseases your roses are inclined to have will prove to be very helpful in making your rose gardening effort more rewarding.

About The Author

This articles is written by James Ellison and edited by Sophia from Streetdirectory Malaysia. James's articles are from extensive research on each of his topics.

Popular Search Tags: Flower Flowers Gift Basket Gifts Plants Presents Floral Baskets Bouquet
Lifestyle Popular Tags: Writing Arts Gambling Movies Automotive Wine Watches Golf Music Parenting
Selengkapnya Flowers: Rose & Roses, Flower Tips, Flower Care

6 Most Common Dangers to Roses and Their Fix

Diposting oleh FlowerAdvisor on

Most individuals could not defy a rose's beauty and aroma. These flowers are considered a bit hard to grow, but anybody can begin rose gardening in the convenience of their own backyard.

To be sure that your most treasured roses are in the pink or even red of their health, just follow these tips on coping with every rose health perplexity:

1. Black Spots on Foliage
This disease is usually known as black spot. Black spots occur as circular with fringed edges on leaves. They make the leaves yellow. The answer is to get rid of the infected foliage and collect any fallen leaves around the rose. Artificial sprays may be used to stop or treat this type of rose disease.

2. Stunted or distorted young canes

Called powdery mildew, this is a fungal disease that blankets leaves, stems and buds with wind swept white powder. It causes the leaves to roll and become purple. Spray with an organic antifungal to treat this fungal disease that could destroy your rose garden.

3. Injured underside of leaves
A disease of roses called rust is characterized with orange-red blisters that turn black in the fall. In spring, it blisters new sprouts. This disease can even live through winter. What you can do is to pick up and toss away leaves that are infected in the fall. Organic anti-fungal spraying every 5 to 7 days may help.

4. Malformed or stunted leaves and flowers

What probably caused this is the occurrence of spider mites. They are small yellow, red or green spiders on the underside of the foliage. They suck juices from leaves. The application of a strong stream of water may help in treating this infestation.

5. Weak and blotched leaves with tiny white webs under them
This might be the work of aphids. They are tiny soft-bodied insects that are normally brown, green or red. Sometimes clumped under leaves and flower buds, they suck plant juices from the delicate buds. A strong stream of water from a garden hose may help roses to endure these bugs.

6. Flowers that don't open or are distorted when they open.
Thrips could be the cause behind this distortion and unopened flowers. It is defined with slender, brown-yellow bugs with bordered wings flourishing in flower buds. These bugs also suck juices from flower buds. You should cut and get rid of the infested flowers. Using neem oil spray may also treat this problem of your roses.

This important information concerning the diseases your roses are inclined to have will prove to be very helpful in making your rose gardening effort more rewarding.

About The Author

This article is written by James Ellison and edited by Sophia from Streetdirectory Malaysia. James's articles are from extensive research on each of his topics.

Popular Search Tags: Flower Flowers Gift Basket Gifts Plants Presents Floral Baskets Bouquet
Lifestyle Popular Tags: Writing Arts Gambling Movies Automotive Wine Watches Golf Music Parenting
Selengkapnya 6 Most Common Dangers to Roses and Their Fix