Names of Flowers & Their Meanings

Diposting oleh FlowerAdvisor on Mar 5, 2009

Flowers can express a diverse range of emotions. From passionate love to treasured friendship, innocent affection or solemn sympathy, flowers are sometimes able to convey feelings and thoughts that words cannot.

Here at Flower Advisor, we offer a variety of blooms which signify and articulate different sentiments. Here are some name of flowers we offer;
  • Tulips : Tulips are seasonal spring time flowers and may not be available all the time. Bright and offered in different colours, tulips are a cheerful flower.

  • Lilies : Available year round and representing youthful innocence and modesty, lilies are very feminine and are popularly used in hand bouquets.

  • Carnations : Carnations can represent several different meanings. Red means “I ache for you”, while white says “I am still available.” The Carnation is often given as a Mother's Day gift.

  • Sunflowers : These tropical flowers are available throughout the year. Cheerful and spontaneous, sunflowers stand for adoration and sunshine.

  • Gerberas : Gerberas are ornamental flowers from the sunflower family. Easily available, they come in different colours and are an appropriate choice to express friendship and affection.

  • Hydrangeas : Hydrangeas are not as easily available. They are special flowering plants that come in a multitude of colours and brighten up any floral arrangement.

  • Ginger Flowers : Ginger flowers come in different species and are of differing colours, shapes and sizes. They go well with birds of paradise to create exciting and unique bouquets.

  • Birds of Paradise : These bright orange flowers are so-called because their distinctive shape resembles an actual bird. They are easily available year round and are uniquely beautiful.

  • Chrysanthemum : Usually used in sympathy arrangements, chrysanthemums were actually cultivated as an herb in China . They are symbolic of the passing of a life and are often seen at funerals.

  • Orchids : There are more than 25 000 species of orchids of different shapes and colours. Said to represent ecstasy, fertility as well as preciousness, they are popular in table arrangements and grand opening stands, but can also be used in bouquets.

  • Pom Poms : Pom poms are medium-sized flowers which are used as fillers in floral arrangements. They help to balance out a bouquet and provide complementary colours.

About The Author

An avid writer since she was but a wee lass, Victoria is a girl with big aspirations. Her long-term goal is to write for Rolling Stone magazine, a (pipe?) dream inspired by her combined passion for rock n roll and the written word. She greatly enjoys live gigs, playing with her mischievous Jack Russell, and the occasional pint of lager. Her other interests include devouring autobiographies and chick-lit at every available opportunity, as well as experimenting in the kitchen. She finds writing for an immense honor and hopes that her contribution to the website’s Food Advisor section will benefit food connoisseurs and novices alike.

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Selengkapnya Names of Flowers & Their Meanings

Tips Merawat & Menyimpan Perhiasan Mahal

Diposting oleh malamjumat on

1. Perhiasan misalnya custom jewellery atau costume jewellery harus di rawat. Salah satu contohnya adalah jewellery Bali. Dalam meletakkannya tidak bisa di campur atau di gabung dalam satu tempat atau terpisah. jangan meletakkan mutiara dengan di tumpuk. Ini untuk menjaga perhiasan (custom jewellery / costume jewellery) tadi dari kemungkinan rusak karena gesekan antara perhiasan satu dengan lainnya.

2. Hindari menaruh perhiasan dengan alas kapas, sebab kapas mempunyai unsur bahan kimia, sebaiknya menggunakan box dengan alas flannel.

3. Bersihkan perhiasan seperti jewellery costum - jewellery costume tsb setelah di pakai, lap bagian-bagian yang tersentuh dengan kulit setelah di lap biarkan dulu agar terkena angin, baru di masukkan ke dalam box. Hal ini untuk menghindari alergi, sebab di saat memakai perhiasan misalnya jewellery costum atau jewellery costume, kita mengeluarkan keringat. bila tidak di bersihkan, sisa keringat tadi akan menyatu dengan perhiasan, selain bisa menyebabkan kerusakan pada perhiasan.

4. Untuk perhiasan yang berbahan baku perak, setelah di bersihkan dengan kain lap khusus (seperti lap kacamata) sebaiknya langsung di masukkan ke dalam kantong plastic. Hal ini di lakukan agar perak tidak berubah warna. Kita bisa bertanya misalnya saat workshop jewellery.

5. Walaupun jarang di pakai, perhiasan harus tetap di rawat, karena dengan membersihkan kita dapat melihat kondisi perhiasan tersebut. Dengan workshop jewellery akan menambah ilmu juga. Mungkin benangnya sudah lapuk, warna ada perubahan, ada hiasan yang hampir lepas.

Temukan informasi lainnya mengenai Custom Jewellery, Jewellery Custom, Costume Jewellery, Jewellery Costume, Workshop Jewellery, Jewellery Bali hanya di Custom Jewellery : Jewellery Custom - Costume & Workshop Jewellery Bali pada
Selengkapnya Tips Merawat & Menyimpan Perhiasan Mahal

Tips Mudik Mengendarai Mobil

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TIPS bagi pemudik yang mengendarai mobil :

* Periksa atau periksakan kondisi mesin mobil Anda, dan lebih baik lagi jika Anda masukkan ke bengkel untuk tune-up. Berbeda dengan melakukan sewa kendaraan atau sewa bus yang mungkin sudah diservice sebelumnya.

* Periksakan kinerja komponen-komponen vital, terutama sistem pendingin, rem, transmisi, power steering, timing belt (tentatif), kaki-kaki, AC dan lampu-lampu. Kita bisa belajar dari tempat sewa bis, penyewaan bus profesional juga tentunya.

* Periksa oli mesin, oli gardan, oli persnelleng, oli power steering, dan minyak rem. Tambah atau lebih baik ganti sekalian.

* Periksa keadaan ban, kalau sudah botak lebih baik diganti saja. Cek juga balancing roda, supaya Anda nyaman berkendaran.

* Kalau AC mobil Anda sudah kurang dingin, sebaiknya tambah freon, karena berkendara dalam keadaan sejuk akan membantu Anda lebih rileks dan tidak gampang naik darah jika terjebak macet dalam waktu lama. Seperti halnya Bus Jakarta, Bis Jakarta, Kendaraan Jakarta. Semuanya harus dibekali.

* Kalau kendaraan Anda termasuk jenis yang langka di Indonesia , misalnya mobil-mobil buatan Eropa; atau mobil yang pengapiannya sudah menggunakan sistem injection; sebaiknya Anda memiliki informasi yang cukup mengenai bengkel resmi atau layanan bengkel bergerak yang disediakan oleh dealer, di sepanjang rute yang akan Anda tempuh dan di kota tujuan.

Kebanyakan bengkel umum di pulau Jawa belum sanggup memperbaiki masalah pengapian mobil Eropa atau mobil dengan sistem injection. Atau seperti Sewa Kendaraan Jakarta, Penyewaan Bus Jakarta. * Lengkapi kendaraan Anda dengan komponen-komponen cadangan dan peralatan yang sangat bermanfaat dalam keadaan darurat : busi, bohlam, lampu halogen, baut roda, sikring, kabel lampu, flasher, relay, ban serep, kunci roda, kunci-kunci ring-pas dan sock, obeng, lampu kerja DC, senter, segi tiga pengaman, dan tambang.

Itu semua akan sangat berguna dalam keadaan darurat, kendati misalnya Anda tidak terampil sekadar membuka baut roda. Jika melakukan sewa bus, sewa bis, bis executive juga tidak masalah kan membawa hal seperti ini untuk berjaga-jaga. Pasalnya, di pulau Jawa, cukup banyak orang awam yang bisa memperbaiki kerusakan-kerusakann kecil pada mobil—tapi kedatangan penolong semacam itu akan sia-sia kalau tidak ada komponen dan peralatan.

* Pada saat berangkat bawalah dalam kendaraan Anda oli cadangan, dan air cadangan untuk radiator atau radiator coolant. Perhatikan jarak tempuh kendaraan Anda selama mudik dan perjalanan pulang, kalau sudah melebihi batas kilometer minyak pelumas yang Anda gunakan, segeralah ganti oli.

* Sangat bijaksana jika Anda melengkapi diri dengan peta. Seandainya peta digital sudah tersedia, itu lebih baik, karena praktis dan gaya. Jika Anda ke berbagai tempat penyewaan bus, misalnya bus executive Jakarta atau sewa kendaraan Jakarta mungkin akan dibekali dengan ini. Mudah-mudahan bermanfaat.

Temukan informasi lainnya mengenai Sewa Kendaraan, Penyewaan Bus, Sewa Bus, Sewa Bis, Bus Executive Jakarta, Sewa Kendaraan Jakarta, Penyewaan Bus Jakarta, Bus Jakarta, Bis Jakarta, Kendaraan Jakarta, Bus Executive hanya di Sewa Kendaraan & Penyewaan Bus : Sewa Bis & Bus Executive Jakarta pada
Selengkapnya Tips Mudik Mengendarai Mobil

Kelebihan & Keuntungan Tinggal di Apartemen

Diposting oleh malamjumat on

Keterbatasan lahan dan dana sering kali membuat orang mengabaikan faktor lokasi sebagai tempat tinggal. Padahal dengan lokasi yang dekat dengan tempat kerja atau kantor, kemacetan lalu lintas sedikit banyak bisa teratasi.

Beruntung, kini ada program apartemen dengan subsidi pemerintah yang lokasinya cenderung dekat dengan pusat keramaian. Misalnya di kota seperti Jakarta, kita mengenal apartemen Jakarta (Jakarta Apartment). Harganya pun relatif terjangkau..

Bangunan vertikal (misalnya Jakarta apartment / apartemen Jakarta) yang kehadirannya kian marak di kota-kota besar belakangan ini memang menjanjikan banyak hal positif.

1. Lokasi jelas merupakan poin jual yang paling diunggulkan.
Umumnya apartemen tengah kota, berdekatan dengan kantor, mal, bahkan rumah sakit. Dengan lokasi seperti apartement Jakarta yang strategis, nyaris tak ada lagi waktu yang terbuang percuma hanya karena kemacetan lalu lintas. Bahkan pihak pengembang—umumnya pengembang swasta—biasanya juga menyediakan berbagai fasilitas pendukungnya seperti kolam berenang, jogging track, tennis court, playground, bahkan taman bermain dan taman kanak-kanak.

2. Letak apartemen yang berdekatan dengan kantor otomatis akan membuat Anda menghemat BBM. Apalagi misalnya di daerah metropolitan maka dibangunlah apartement Jakarta - Jakarta apartement.
Bujet untuk trasportasi pun dapat dihemat. Bahkan bila letak kantor sangat dekat, tak menutup kemungkinan bagi Anda untuk berjalan kaki ke kantor. Jika dilakukan setiap pagi saat berangkat kantor, badan pun jadi bisa sehat karenanya.

3. Pemakaian air dan listrik juga dapat dihemat karema Anda tidak perlu menyediakan lampu taman, pompa air, dan sebagainya. Bagi Anda yang masih lajang, tinggal di apartemen, seperti apartement Jakarta tentu akan lebih hemat dan nyaman.

4. Dengan lahan yang terbatas biasanya luas apartemen tidak seberapa besar. Hal ini tentu akan sangat memudahkan Anda untuk membersihkannya. Bahkan bila perlu, Anda tak usah menggunakan jasa pembantu.

Sistem keamanan apartemen seperti Jakarta apartemen yang lebih dan terjaga menjadikannya sebagai hunian yang lebih aman dan nyaman ketimbang rumah biasa.

Temukan informasi lainnya mengenai Jakarta Apartemen, Apartment Jakarta, Jakarta Apartement, Apartemen Jakarta, Jakarta Apartment, Apartement Jakarta hanya di Jakarta Apartemen & Apartement : Apartment & Apartement Jakarta pada
Selengkapnya Kelebihan & Keuntungan Tinggal di Apartemen

Tips for Sending Flowers To Your Man

Diposting oleh FlowerAdvisor on

Ladies are no longer the only ones whom love receiving flowers. 60% of men surveyed by the Society of American Florists admitted that they would like to receive flowers on Valentines Day. Now, before you ring up an order of 99 red roses, follow this guide to choose a floral arrangement that even Mars the God of War would approve:
  • Occasions
    Think back to the times when you would love to receive flowers: on your birthday, on special anniversaries, during down times, after a job promotion… there you have it.
  • Colours
    There are no hard and fast rules about what colours are appropriate for each gender but unless you are absolutely very sure that he is perfectly fine with pink and purple (even if he is absolutely secure about his masculinity, it is probably wise to add in several masculine-coloured blooms), stray away from effeminate colours like pastels, pinks and purples. There is no need to settle for the fail-safe blue, though. Choose, instead, flowers in strong, vivid and monochromatic hues like bright yellow, intense orange, fiery red and royal gold.
  • Types of flowers
    Like women, just about any kind of flowers – roses, tulips, lilies, sunflowers, orchids etc – are bound to touch even an alpha male. But the kinds that really appeal to them are flowers that are “sturdy” and “full of personality” like the angular birds of paradise, anthuriums or orchids.
  • Floral Arrangement
    Skip the fluffy big bouquets and head straight for the exotic, tropical or contemporary arrangements in linear or angular compositions. If this is your first time giving your man flowers, you can play it safe with a flower/plant dish that he can place on his desk at work or on his coffee table.
  • Personal Touches
    Incorporating his hobbies and interests into his floral gift will definitely earn you brownie points. If your man is into automotive, add in a car magazine. If he is a soccer fan, choose flowers in his team's colours. If he is a game freak, insert a few video games that he had been hinting at. You get the idea.

About The Author
This petite wordsmith and literary mistress sure dream big: She wishes to place herself alongside the likes of legendary travel writer Paul Edward Theroux and celebrated food writer Alan Eaton Davidson as she unveils only the best of Singapore 's hot zones and sizzling kitchens. For this, Ezaida digs going “off the beaten track” to take her alike-minded audience on a Singaporean road less-traveled.

Her other noble dream is to trek all over Europe on her new and super fast “black-and-pink-with-white-flowers” roller blades. She would, however, settle for a year-long road trip covering all of Asia . She accepts cash donations in ten, fifty and hundred denominations to her “Bring Ezaida Around Asia” fund.

In the meantime, she is contented to be writing for and highlighting Singapore 's happening hangouts.

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Lifestyle Popular Tags: Writing Arts Gambling Movies Automotive Wine Watches Golf Music Parenting
Selengkapnya Tips for Sending Flowers To Your Man

Why You Should Send Flowers

Diposting oleh FlowerAdvisor on

Some women and most men see flowers as wasteful gifts: she prefers him to splurge on tangible goods that can be paraded around; and he prefers to impress with tangible goods that she can parade around.

After all, fresh flowers wither in a matter of days, don't they? True, but honestly, you are still better off with flowers.

Here are several reasons why:

  • Flowers are an intelligent woman's real best friend.
    Intelligent women would rather have roses on their tables than diamonds on their necks. A sole stalk, according to several scientific findings, is able create passion, to soothe, to cheer, to beautify...with its very presence. Like a true friend, flowers improve moods and create intimateness. A diamond, in all of its indestructible nature, can only look pretty perched on a slender finger. There is a reason why we do not have bimbos for best friends.
  • Flowers are easier on the wallet
    Flowers, unlike diamonds and designer goods, are easier on the wallet.
    Honestly, for much fewer hundreds of dollars, flowers can produce the same (perhaps more positive) reaction for the receiver. Everyone remembers the first time s/he receives flowers.
  • Flowers do more than what you paid it for.
    Giving flowers not only show that you love him/her; it shows that you have the initiative to dedicate effort and time in choosing a perfect bouquet.
  • You can never go wrong with flowers.
    But you can go wrong with chocolates (“are you trying to get me fatter than I am?”), cut /colour/clarity/ carat weight of diamonds (“this is not Tiffany's Lucida diamond ring!”), and designer goods (“this is Pucci not Gucci!”).
  • Flowers save time.
    Now, you can purchase a bouquet and have it delivered without having to step out of your house – at an e-florist. Simply enter your budget.
  • Flowers speak the language of love more fluent than anything else.
    Flowers say more than just “I love you”. It says “I respect you”, “I am willing to shed all masculine ego to carry these flowers to you”, “I am thinking of you even when you are not around”, “You are beautiful”, “You are special”, “You are important”…
  • Flowers are friendlier to the environment than diamonds.
    Have you not watched Edward Zwick's movie --> Black Diamond (2006)?

About The Author
This petite wordsmith and literary mistress sure dream big: She wishes to place herself alongside the likes of legendary travel writer Paul Edward Theroux and celebrated food writer Alan Eaton Davidson as she unveils only the best of Singapore 's hot zones and sizzling kitchens. For this, Ezaida digs going “off the beaten track” to take her alike-minded audience on a Singaporean road less-traveled.

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Selengkapnya Why You Should Send Flowers

10 Reasons to Send Flowers to your Sweetheart

Diposting oleh FlowerAdvisor on

  1. Because you love her.
  2. It makes you happy to see her smile
  3. She'll expect them. Sooner or later.
  4. Because life is a bed of roses. Avoid being the thorn.
  5. She'll tell her girlfriends about it, and soon you'll gain a reputation for being a gentleman.
  6. Sending flowers is easy – you can order them while you wait for the match to start.
  7. Because you can't figure out what else to give her.
  8. To prevent her from dumping you for someone who will give her flowers.
  9. So she'll forget that you came 2 hours late for your last date.
  10. To remind her that you exist.

About The Author

Deyana writes because she is trapped by too many thoughts that have no way to escape but through her mouth or her pen (or in this case, keyboard). She believes that ‘all the world's a stage' – it is at times a comedy, and at other times a tragedy. She enjoys laughing very much, partly because she thinks that the tragedy would be lessened if people didn't take themselves too seriously. She also enjoys doing nothing and can spend hours staring at something extremely mundane. She is waiting for the day when she can see traffic jams in the sky, caused by hordes of flying cars. Picturing such a scene makes her laugh very hard. Deyana currently writes for Food Advisor & Travel Guide because, well, a girl's gotta eat

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Lifestyle Popular Tags: Writing Arts Gambling Movies Automotive Wine Watches Golf Music Parenting
Selengkapnya 10 Reasons to Send Flowers to your Sweetheart